Distribution, origin and its dynamic background of porphyry copper deposits in Southwest China
投稿时间:2024-11-07  修订日期:2024-12-05
中文关键词: 西南地区  斑岩型铜矿  分布特征  成因探讨  地球动力学背景
英文关键词: Southwest China  porphyry copper deposit  distribution characteristics  genetic discussion  geodynamic background
姚鹏 中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心四川 成都610218 610218
梅燕雄 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所北京 100037 100037
李光明 中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心四川 成都610218 610218
石洪召* 中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心四川 成都610218 610218
张金良 有色金属矿产地质调查中心北京100012 100012
钱利军 西昌学院土木与水利工程学院四川 西昌615000 615000
摘要点击次数: 92
全文下载次数: 36
      Based on the compilation of the 1∶1000000 mineral map of the Southwest region and combined with previous research results, the authors propose that the porphyry copper deposits in the Southwest region can be divided into five porphyry copper belts: (1) Gangdise porphyry copper belt; (2) Duobuza-Polong porphyry copper belt; (3) Yulong porphyry copper belt; (4) Yidun-Zhongdian porphyry copper belt; (5) Porphyry copper belt of western margin of Yangtze Craton. The authors discuss the regional geological background and ore deposit distribution, geological and geochemical characteristics of ore-bearing porphyries, and the source of ore-forming materials for these porphyry copper belts. Finally, using the theory of ancient continental margin metallogeny, it is suggested that the ore-bearing porphyries in the porphyry copper belts exhibit “continental crustal” characteristics in chemical composition, while showing “island arc” characteristics in trace and rare earth elements, indicating that the formation of the porphyry copper belts in the Southwest region is controlled by both the source of ore-forming materials and the process of continent-continent collision, ultimately being controlled by the characteristics of the evolution of the ancient continental margin structure, namely “overlapping”. The authors summarize and discuss the genesis of the porphyry copper deposits in each belt, as well as their location and metallogenic dynamics background during the transition from sea to land.
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