Research on the distribution and mineralization laws of quartzite resources in Jiangxi
投稿时间:2024-07-26  修订日期:2024-12-03
中文关键词: 石英岩  分布特征  矿床类型  成矿规律  江西
英文关键词: quartzite  distribution characteristics  deposit type  metallogenic regularity  Jiangxi Province
熊宽 江西省地质局工程地质大队江西 南昌 330001 330001
方平 江西省地质局工程地质大队江西 南昌 330001 330001
张永忠 江西省地质局工程地质大队江西 南昌 330001 330001
摘要点击次数: 71
全文下载次数: 29
      Quartz is an important mineral resource widely used in fields such as glass, metallurgy and ceramics. Quartz has a wide range of origins, including quartzite, vein quartz, natural crystal, and granite quartz. Quartz deposits in Jiangxi are relatively complete in type, widely distributed, and abundant in reserves. Quartz rocks formed under specific geological conditions are favorable high-purity quartz raw materials. There were 49 registered quartzite mineral deposits in Jiangxi, including 1 super large deposit, 6 medium deposits, and 42 small deposits. Quartzite is mainly formed by magmatic hydrothermal and sedimentary metamorphism, and rarely by pegmatite. By collecting information from various mining areas and comprehensively organizing various data, the distribution characteristics, deposit types, typical deposits, and mineralization laws of quartzite resources in Jiangxi were studied. The mineralization laws of quartzite were concluded and summarized, which has certain guiding significance for future exploration of quartzite mines.
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